The TC-505N, a SHDSL (Single-pair High-bit-rate Digital Subscriber Line) LAN Extender, provides a broadband transmission with bandwidth up to 5.696Mbps (15Mbps for PAM128) over a single pair of copper wires for LAN connection between two local area networks. TC-505N provides a console port for users to configure the settings and to monitor the DSL connection status.
TC-505N conforms to ITU-T G.991.2, the GSHDSL requirements. Each TC-505N can be configured as either STU-C for the central side or STU-R for the remote side. 1 / 2 pair of TC-505N offers a cost effective symmetrical broadband solution for bandwidth-hungry applications such as LAN-to-LAN connection, Internet
- ITU G.991.2 Annex A, Annex B and Annex F ,Annex G
- Symmetrical downstream and upstream data rates from 192Kbps to 5.696Mbps
- Four hard segmented 10/100 BaseT Ethernet ports with 64Kbps bandwidth control granularity
- Auto or Fixed DSL rate operation
- Auto-Negotiation for 10/100 BaseT
- Auto-MDIX for Auto Ethernet Tx/Rx Swap